5 nice things you can do to help people during lockdown with the kids

Happy New Year? For some, yes, for others, not quite so...

When the countdown happened on midnight on 31st December 2020, a lot of us I think were united with some of these thoughts-

'Thank goodness that year is over', 'Bring on 2021', 'Bye bye horrible year!'.

The sad reality of course is that we're back where we started in March last year, a national lockdown.

And as some of us struggle with being disappointed the pubs are shut, that we can't see our friends or go on holiday, one thing is for sure, there are a LOT of people out there having a much more difficult time.

But what can we do to help them?

Sometimes it's the little things that really mean a lot to people when they need some support. So, without further ado, here are 5 Nice Things You Can Do To Help People During Lockdown With The Kids...

  1. Get the kids together and FaceTime or Zoom the grandparents. They'll be desperate to see their grandchildren and they can have some quality time together. Perhaps they could do an activity together? Like Charades? Or a virtual art class?

  2. Get the kids to do a painting with a written message for a friend who lives on thier own. There are lots of people who live on their own and the isolation and boredom outside of working can take its toll sometimes. This thoughful, creative offering really could put a huge smile on their faces.

  3. Offer to do some shopping for an elderly person who lives on your street. Create a flyer, pop it through some letterboxes and once you've found someone who accepts your offer, spend 5 minutes chatting on the doorstep to them when you drop off the goods. From a distance of course! Not only will you be helping your neighbours, but you'll also get to know others who live nearby more.

  4. Do a clear out of old toys, books and clothes, find a children's charity that can do a collection and you'll know your stuff will go to a good home and really help out some who's really suffering financially during the pandemic.

  5. Buy some food for a homeless person. Next time you're out and about doing some food shopping, chances are you'll see a homeless person, especially if you live in an urban area. Say hello to them, ask them if they would like some food and then once you've bought it, hand it over to them. I'm sure you'll make their day!

I hope these ideas help fill your time during the latest lockdown and allow you to help others that really need it.

*Stay Safe And Healthy, Guys*


Face to face parties return!


2020, what a year